March 28, 2007

My Chaotic Life

Boy, I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I've written a blog. Today's quote sums up my life right now, perfectly.

"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written."
Henry Miller

I've been knee deep in home remodeling and to be quite honest with you, I'm sick of it.

We went to Arkansas last week for a four day youth trip with my church. We enjoyed the trip, but wish we would have stayed home and spent the time working on the house.

When my husband takes off from work he is always swamped when he gets back, not to mention the things we needed to get done here at home.

We spent Sunday (after church)getting our tax papers together for the accountant. Sometimes having assets is a pain in the patootie.

The cabinet maker is finished with our cabinets and will be coming Saturday to install them. We aren't ready and I will be gone all day Saturday to a SCBWI conference that I paid for and will not miss. So I'm working like crazy this week packing up our junk (and unfortunately much of it is).

It's amazing the stuff we've kept. We have a fairly large home and yet we never seemed to have any room. I see why. We have puzzles with pieces missing. I know this because we have put sticky notes on the boxes announcing the fact. What were we thinking? That the parts would come home and return to their designated box? Well, I am proud to say that they are now in the trash. Yes, I feel a little guilty that they are now part of the ever growing land fill, but why let it take up valuable space I could use for games with missing pieces. Oh yes, we have some of those as well.

I think my husband and I could use Packrats Annonymous. We have phones that don't work, cell phone manuals for long gone, dead cell phones, empty shoe boxes (one never knows when you might need one) and preschool games (my youngest is in junior high)to name a few. I've found things I forgot we had.

I found a carbon monoxide detector that we put in the cupboard because it didn't work. My two grown sons were living at home at the time, so this tells you how long it's been. We plugged it in, set it up, and went to bed. In the middle of the night we hear this horrible noise that scared the living day lights out of us. We called the fire department and sat in our car in the driveway because it was in the fall, and quite frankly cold as a witch's...well it was cold. The fireman went around the house checking with his gadgets for signs of carbon monoxide. A few minutes later he came out to our car, pecked on the window and told us everything was fine and there wasn't any danger. We stumbled back inside, unplugged the little white box that had disrupted our sleep and went back to bed. Why I still have the darn thing is anybody's guess. I should probably put that on the list of things to buy at the hardware store.

My husband, mean while, keeps bringing home boxes as I fill them with our lifelong treasures.

Anyone need a shoebox full of mystery cords and wires?